Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tattoo's and Such
To address the wonderful haha by my darling kid sister - I am glad the Catt is doing your tattoo. Personally, I think that's just right. Just how it should be. After all, He did all but one of mine. And I have 9. To this day, He is the ONLY one I trust to come at me with any type of needle. I don't know why. Perhaps it was hours and hours of Him carefully inking up my skin. Or maybe it runs deeper than that. I suppose that's also why I've never bothered to go to any other artist. The work I have belongs to the Catt alone, and therefore I believe it is right for me to want Him to do any touch up I might need. It would desperately break my heart if someone else ruined what the Catt put His heart into. Still, when people ask me where I had a particular piece done, the answer is always the same. Though out here in the sticks, it's doesn't happen as frequent. I know the Catt will take special care of the Bug's artwork. Afterall, He is part of what keeps myself and the Bug sane. A little cricket on our shoulder - though in our case, it comes in the form of a Wild Sandcat.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Thank You!!
Alright - so why I'm saying thank you is kind of obvious. However, I'm glad to hear that the Catt has been leaning toward telling said person No anyway. Not that He really needed my opinion. His gut instinct rarely fails him in that regard. Though I admit, I am thankful he asked my opinon on the matter. It was definately sweet of him. Awww...alright - warm fuzzy moment is officially over. HAHA!
Things here in the sticks are just peachy. Same thing, different day. Today my little brother was supposed to 'stop by'. But, low and behold...after He got directions and all that, I haven't seen Him. Guess that means He changed His mind and decided not to come. Wish He had told me however that He wasn't going to. Sitting around all day has never been my cup of tea. Well, when I have things to accomplish anyway. Oh well. I suppose He might actually make it here another time. Scary thing is, he's only like three hours away and I see less of Him now than I ever did. What a pity.
Still, Marines finding me has boggled my mind. I know I'm not hiding or anything. But the fact that they would want to find me, talk to me, see how I'm doing and where I'm living now is slightly startling. Finding out you made an impact, or a difference in someone's life always has this awe inflicting way about it. I guess I just never thought I was someone who made that much of a difference on anyone's life.
Things here in the sticks are just peachy. Same thing, different day. Today my little brother was supposed to 'stop by'. But, low and behold...after He got directions and all that, I haven't seen Him. Guess that means He changed His mind and decided not to come. Wish He had told me however that He wasn't going to. Sitting around all day has never been my cup of tea. Well, when I have things to accomplish anyway. Oh well. I suppose He might actually make it here another time. Scary thing is, he's only like three hours away and I see less of Him now than I ever did. What a pity.
Still, Marines finding me has boggled my mind. I know I'm not hiding or anything. But the fact that they would want to find me, talk to me, see how I'm doing and where I'm living now is slightly startling. Finding out you made an impact, or a difference in someone's life always has this awe inflicting way about it. I guess I just never thought I was someone who made that much of a difference on anyone's life.
I must admit, after reading the Tuft's page I find myself wondering which Ex of mine approached him about touching up tattoo's. Personally, I think if whomever is asking Tufts - and Tufts is not only getting PAID for it, but doesn't overly mind whoever it is...I say go for it. Of course, there are exceptions. There are certain 'ex's ' I would NEVER want Tufts touching. Mainly for sanitary reasons. There is the one that's currently living with my mother. A definate NO NO. Then there is Nate...yet another one I pray Tufts isn't thinking of tattoo'ing. Btu in the end, I suppose it's up to the Catt and not the Lopey. I hope whatever He chooses to do, He is happy with that choice.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Five Weeks and Counting
In five weeks, give or take, there will be a new life in the world and I will go from simply being Maegan, to being Mommy. I'm scared, and nervous, and excited all at once. Fortunately I have a very supportive family who I know will help me in anyway they can. They've all had their kids, and no doubt are fountains of knowledge on things that might happen, go wrong, or come to be. After all, we were all children once. And someone out there knows exactly what we try to pull. HA !
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
How odd...
Yet another of the Marines I knew in Yuma has found me. I don't know how they do it. Then again, it's not like I'm out there hiding some place unknown. Floating in the nothingness that is life. I'm pretty out in the open, if you know where to look that is. Hearing from Jake brightened my day considerably. Though certainly He was closer to Jamie than myself. It was still good to hear that He is alright. He's married now, with triplet boys. Talk about your handful. I thought being pregnant with one was bad enough - He's had 3 of them for something like 5 or six years. It sounds like He is doing well however, a fact I'm glad of. Never would I wish any of the Marines I knew hard times. Even the one's who pissed me off. And, there were a couple. Go figure. That's the minutes however. Just S.S.D.D. otherwise. Yipee!!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The day has passed...
The day of my baby shower has come and gone and while I would have liked my Grandmother, Mother and sister to be present ( not just on the phone ) I think it all turned out well. But that's my opinion. It was a stress free day, thank god. I didn't have to worry about anyone except myself. Fortunately my hostess was on top of everything and I didn't have to do much except sit there, smile for pictures and open presents. YAY!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Today - people breathing simply irks me. It makes me want to spin around and ask them why they have to deprive me of needed oxygen with their own stupid bodily functions. People looking at me just seems to tick me off. Went to walmart, just doing regular shopping. You know, picking up needed items. Low and behold, dozens of people there who ought to be somewhere else. Screaming children who if they were mine would have been paddled within an inch of their exsistence and all of them taking up space and air that us intelligent people need! Why is this? Why is it natural selection seems to forget the hill billies and red necks. The ones who left the trailor park but still manage to make their homes look like they are straight out of the park?! Alright - so people just piss me off today. Apparently I need to go back to bed before I snap and start screaming at some innocent old lady just because she took too long to cross the street.
Monday, April 17, 2006
In the end

I suppose in the end it's all the same anyway. Perhaps I am suffering from the 'baby blues' and nothing more. Easter sunday was spent mainly in a funk. I was terribly homesick and not quite sure how to pull myself out of the doom and gloom that had settled on me since I woke up. Today however, I find myself in a much better mood. Or at least compared to yesterday. I managed to clean the entire house ( again ) a job that never quite seems to be finished. Of course, with all wood floors you can feel the dirt simply by walking. Something I can't stand. I did dishes, laundry, made the beds and rearranged the living room. Yet I find myself thinking of the holidays. The time spent with loved ones and enjoying their company. My only consolation is that in December I will be returning to Colorado to visit that family. To enjoy their company and spread the Yule tide cheer. Too bad in my mind it is too far away to wait. To long a wait for a heart that already misses those she loves. I love my life out here in the rural countryside. I wouldn't change it for anything. Except maybe to have my family close to me. My half brother is only 3 hours away. Yet even Him I do not see. Despite plans to the contrary. My little sister is supposed to come out in June or July. I find myself looking forward to such a visit. Yet I'm scared about getting my hopes up and it not happening. As so often is the case. I can only hope my 'blue' mood disappears soon. I hate being in a funk and not being able to figure out quite why.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Alright - I was having a little too much fun with tests and quizzes. Sorry folks! Promise it won't happen again - Much. HA!
Am I a sap?
How You Are In Love |
You tend to give more than take in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
How Are You In Love?
So I'm a pansy!
You Are 36% Evil |
How Evil Are You?
Friday, April 14, 2006
Happy Easter!

Well, Happy Easter to you all. I hope you find many golden eggs and come home full of chocolate and ham! I meanwhile, will be enjoying a wonderful day of relaxing at home. Enjoying the quiet ( that my animals will let me ) and gorging myself on yogurt and fruit. Thought for the day - It's alright to be the odd Duck out. Just so long as you are being true to yourself.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The date of my baby shower creeps ever closer. Though admittedly part of me wishes my family could physically be there. Alas, distance kind of puts a kink in that thought plan. They all have their own lives too. Recieved Easter card from my Grandmother however, which put a smile on my face. Of course, hearing from any of my family tends to do so. Even when they call and it's past midnight my time. You know what they say - Absence makes the heart grow Fungus. HA! Haven't heard any further from any of my military friends. Ebert, Brownie, etc. Hopefully I will soon. Talk to Jamie pretty frequently online. Being that she has two girls, she's been a great source of knowledge on things to expect. Well, that's the minutes so to speak. Nothing crazy or out there. Just a nice mellow pace for the day. I can only hope it stays that way. HA!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Time spins - yet again

Today I got the name of my new military pen pal from Operation Military Pride. So, I get to start writing someone who is over sea's and no doubt would like a little something from the states. I'm a little nervous about it. But, a letter to bolster someone's moral is hardly a bad thing. I can't say I did much today. Cleaned the kitchen, finished up easter baskets for some friends, went to walmart for some household items. Nothing really exciting. My life is rather laid back out here, a fact I am truly grateful for. Moving on - the baby shower is on April 22nd and promises to be amusing if nothing else. I managed to get my Grandmother involved. She'll be included by way of what is called a telephone baby shower. I'm looking forward to having the kid and not being pregnant anymore. Fatigue all the time sucks. Being pregnant certainly takes alot out of a person. And unfortunately I can say this pregnancy hasn't been very kind to me. On the plus side, I only plan on doing this once. I've already spoken to the Doctor about getting fixed afterward. I never wanted more than one kid. So, I suppose knowing that someone upstairs decided I get all the bad things this time around. HA! Still missing my little sister and the majority of my family. On the plus side I get to see them all at Christmas. At least, that's the plan. Gives me something to look forward to.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Previous Choices
Yes, I dated Him. For a short time. What can I say, it was something about the Cuban lover thing that got the blood going. Needless to say, yes, I have better taste then that. After all, you are one of them right? I don't doubt that the choice made in having him live with them is based on friendship, it's just un-nerving. After all, I'm coming out for Christmas with my kid. And now, I cannot take that kid to my Mother's home. Why? Because I'm not comfortable being around someone I broke up with on less than friendly terms. Can anyone blame me there? Fortunately, like the Catt - I have seen the error of my ways and chosen someone more suitable for me. Instead of just dating who ever would date me. And, don't worry Tufts - I don't take offense to what you said. Trust me, I don't.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I wonder

Now, this isn't meant to sound bitter. But my idle contemplation leads me to wondering why my ex's always wind up living with my mother?! Is it just something about my mother that says " Sure, you can live with her and it's not going to bother Maegan? " Needless to say, finding out yet another of my ex's has moved in with my mother doesn't thrill me. However, I hear that He's grown up, that he's got his mood swings under control, has even lost weight. All of these things are good things. All of these things make me glad to hear. It's just that one little spot of him being my ex and living with MY mother. Her friend, her husbands friend or not - don't they (any of them ) comprehend that it will now be uncomfortable if I come to visit and there He is? It's not like he and I split on friendly terms. No, quite the opposite. Someone clue me in on how this might even slightly, for one moment in anyone's mind, be ok?!
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