Thursday, April 20, 2006


Today - people breathing simply irks me. It makes me want to spin around and ask them why they have to deprive me of needed oxygen with their own stupid bodily functions. People looking at me just seems to tick me off. Went to walmart, just doing regular shopping. You know, picking up needed items. Low and behold, dozens of people there who ought to be somewhere else. Screaming children who if they were mine would have been paddled within an inch of their exsistence and all of them taking up space and air that us intelligent people need! Why is this? Why is it natural selection seems to forget the hill billies and red necks. The ones who left the trailor park but still manage to make their homes look like they are straight out of the park?! Alright - so people just piss me off today. Apparently I need to go back to bed before I snap and start screaming at some innocent old lady just because she took too long to cross the street.

1 comment:

Sandcatt said...

Welcome to my world :P