Monday, May 29, 2006

Is it snooping?

In my search on the web, something done simply to pass the time I ran across my Mothers live journal. Now, I know it's not really snooping, since it is posted ONLINE. However I couldn't help but feel guilty about reading it and her not knowing. I read, and read. I went into archives and read even more. Strangely enough, I am mentioned a couple times. And each time in semi good context.

I can agree with her in one thing however - Why our family manages to get along. To be close at all is something that boggles the mind. After everything we've been through, put each other through, we still manage to love each other and if nothing else tolerate each other when we need to. I am fortunate to have the family I do have. Even if it is strange, crazy and half the time dysfunctional. Alright, so it's mostly dysfunctional.

I find myself missing them all quite dearly as my due date approaches. Mainly because the birth of a child is supposed ot be around family and friends. I am in Ohio with very few of either. My only perk is that come Christmas I will be in Colorado for a visit and everyone will get to see me and my baby.

My biological brother - Erinn - the one the Otter has a crush on, says he wants to come out closer to when the baby is due. Of course, I'm not holding my breath quite yet. He said He was coming out last time and never made it. I only heard from him AFTER Otter chewed him out. How unfair is that?

My thoughts are still very much so with my brother Tiger, Sandcatt and the Otter. I hope each are doing well and are happy. They all deserve all that life can give them. All the rainbows and roses they can stand.

I suppose that's the minutes. Take care and blessings to you all.

1 comment:

Sandcatt said...

If I start wearing a bunch of rainbows and roses, I think Tiger had better watch out LOL.

Still busy as hell here. Good luck with everything and have fun.