Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just Wondering

I find myself wondering what happened to certain people in my life. Past and Present. The one man I would call my 'Dad', obviously not my biological Father, has been M.I.A. for quite some time. I know when I last saw him, He was suffering cancer. My fear, is that He has passed on to the 'happy hunting ground'. Jim was a great man. Funny, Intelligent, had great taste.

Then there is Bear. A.K.A. Ken. I know from His mother ( because I managed to hang onto some addresses ) that He is no longer with us. Apparently God punched His ticket and said His time was up. Fortunately I know before He went that He got married and enjoyed His life. He will be missed by those who knew him.

Then there is my adopted Mom. Lady Summer. I haven't spoken to her much these past years. A fault all my own to be sure. I'm horrid at keeping touch with those who have touched my heart. I can only pray she is doing well. That she is happy and healthy.

Toss in the wayward adopted 'brother' Tiger. Who moved to Ohio and even though I am in the same state with him, I can't seem to contact him whatsoever. A shame really, because after he and I got back in touch with each other we promised that we wouldn't lose touch again. Shame is, we've done just that and I find myself angry at Him for not keeping His end of the deal. After all, I've called and written to the address where I knew He was staying. Yet I hear nothing in return. Perhaps I am only 'sister' when He needs me. I don't know.

I guess in my own way I regret losing touch with these people. For each of them touched me in a way that no other has. They helped me, they guided me, they gave me advice and loved me for who I was and am. I was lucky to have each of them in my life at one point or another. I only wish I could talk to them again. Even if just for one moment. To say Thank you.

But then again, I might just be crazy and sentimental.



Sandcatt said...

Tiger has been back here in Colorado since somewhere around the beginning of this year. I seem him once or twice a week, so I'll tell him you said hello. I imagine the letters sent to him have been getting burned if not just thrown into the trash. Just htought I'd let you know so you don't think he's ignoring you - he just never received any of it :)

Tiger said...

Yup, been back in Colorado sence September of last year...not a clue what happened to any of the stuff you sent...long story...well actually not that long of one but you know what Im saying....