Not that there is much to update. I feel like I post on this dang thing eight times more than anyone else, and I still say it's the Bugs fault for turning me onto this contraption of minor contemplation.
Found out recently that a friend of mine has a crush on me. While I find this flattering and perhaps even a little ego boosting, I'm not quite sure how to take such information. Mainly because having it admitted to me is far different from not knowing. Of course, such is the way with such information. But enough of my mindless prattle on that front.
Part of me truly misses Colorado currently. Perhaps it's the simple fact that I know if I were in Colorado right now I'd be over at my Grandmothers, shooting the breeze, gossiping about people we really know little or nothing about, complaining about prices and fawning over the assorted kids in my family. That is of course, how I spent my days off last summer. I can't wait to go home for Christmas. Mainly because I sorely miss my Grandmother. She is so much more than family to me. She's one of my best friends, and knowing that - distance definately makes the heart grow fonder.
I know I'll make it through this small bout of home sickness, but every now and then it hits me and makes me think of the wonderful times, even the bad times that I went through with my family.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Todays thoughts brought to you by the letter Zzzz

It's been another hectic day. The days here have started out rainy and dreary, only to end heated up by mid-afternoon sun. Hence making it humid and sticky. Now, normally I'd just stay inside and soak up the AC. One problem however, I don't have AC. Except fans in each room and a couple floor fans. Said heat - makes it miserable for myself, my husband, and our baby girl.
Speaking of the Princess Pea - she had her one month checkup and is doing fine. Already she's up to 10 pounds, 5 ounces. Gone from 19 and a half inches to 22 and a half inches. Everything about her is growing and according to the Doctors she's well ahead of the game. They were very pleased with her reactions to things and stimulus. Saying she's in the top of the expected percentile of babies her age. YAY! Could I have a baby genius on my hands? We'll see!
Moving on - had to get rid of my Great Dane. She wasn't safe around the baby. She nipped once when we first brought the Pea home and I thought it might just be jealousy. Unfortunately, she did it again and the safety of my daughter is much more important than keeping a dog.
I suppose that's the minutes. There isn't much going on in my life. I hope the Bug is ok and getting her things together that she needs to accomplish. I suppose I'll find out eventually. Take care and I look forward to reading your posts soon!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Ok, so I'm a sap!
Yesterday I saw the Bug to the bus stop and when I hugged her goodbye I simply cried. I told myself I wouldn't. Told myself that at 26 I am strong enough to say goodbye to someone I love without crying. Unfortunately, I wasn't. I cried. I cried more on the way back home. Already I miss my sister. She was a huge help when she was out here for one. For two she gave me company, and the third thing is that despite her being 16 and therefore onry - she was a good Aunt to the Pea and a good friend to me.
Hopefully she'll pass her GED, get herself a job that she can prove she's stable with and then when she's got the money she can move out here and be with us. Of course, such plans are prone to change, however I can hope right?
Otherwise, things are pretty much back to normal here. Same stuff, different day I suppose.
Hopefully she'll pass her GED, get herself a job that she can prove she's stable with and then when she's got the money she can move out here and be with us. Of course, such plans are prone to change, however I can hope right?
Otherwise, things are pretty much back to normal here. Same stuff, different day I suppose.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Wee Haw
Yeah ok, so the title sucks but I couldn't think of anything else in the way of titles. Bite me. Today was rather uneventful. Well, as much as it can be having a two week old baby. HA!
Had a water fight with my husband and sister. Ate left overs. Really nothing spectacular.
Oddly enough however, on my MySpace page I did find an old high school friend. One I hitched a ride with to prom. So that was nice. She's got a couple kids and has been married six years. Congrats to her.
Also, was located by my old friend Niki. I'm not quite sure where that will head to. But, such is life.
And, I have to say that a comment I got on one of my posted pictures at MySpace made me smile ( and dang near cry )
There you go - that's my lot to offer tonight - maybe more another night.
Had a water fight with my husband and sister. Ate left overs. Really nothing spectacular.
Oddly enough however, on my MySpace page I did find an old high school friend. One I hitched a ride with to prom. So that was nice. She's got a couple kids and has been married six years. Congrats to her.
Also, was located by my old friend Niki. I'm not quite sure where that will head to. But, such is life.
And, I have to say that a comment I got on one of my posted pictures at MySpace made me smile ( and dang near cry )
There you go - that's my lot to offer tonight - maybe more another night.
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