It's been another hectic day. The days here have started out rainy and dreary, only to end heated up by mid-afternoon sun. Hence making it humid and sticky. Now, normally I'd just stay inside and soak up the AC. One problem however, I don't have AC. Except fans in each room and a couple floor fans. Said heat - makes it miserable for myself, my husband, and our baby girl.
Speaking of the Princess Pea - she had her one month checkup and is doing fine. Already she's up to 10 pounds, 5 ounces. Gone from 19 and a half inches to 22 and a half inches. Everything about her is growing and according to the Doctors she's well ahead of the game. They were very pleased with her reactions to things and stimulus. Saying she's in the top of the expected percentile of babies her age. YAY! Could I have a baby genius on my hands? We'll see!
Moving on - had to get rid of my Great Dane. She wasn't safe around the baby. She nipped once when we first brought the Pea home and I thought it might just be jealousy. Unfortunately, she did it again and the safety of my daughter is much more important than keeping a dog.
I suppose that's the minutes. There isn't much going on in my life. I hope the Bug is ok and getting her things together that she needs to accomplish. I suppose I'll find out eventually. Take care and I look forward to reading your posts soon!
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