Sunday, October 01, 2006

Is anyone out there?

I'm truly starting to wonder to be honest. As my life is right now a clustering of boxes and items too dear to part with. Further are the boxes of items that I will part with, sell and otherwise forget exsisted. Oh me...what can be done except to accept the current situation as it is? Even now, with such happening in my life my mind spins outward. Seeking the Eagle with such joy I shouldn't be allowed to feel.

Yet, feel it I do. Even with my life crumbling down around my shoulders ( albeit quite voluntarily ) I feel such things for someone who once walked away and played the part of never wishing to see me. Can I, should I accept that which fate has brought back into my life? Or should I spin around and walk away? I'm scared. Scared on what future may hold for me, and more importantly for my daughter. The Princess Pea is my first thought. For I will not allow her to grow up confused. That, is something I cannot allow.

Alas, it is time I part ways with this blog. At least for the time being. Perhaps another day my thoughts will have stepped from the fog. Yet I fear that won't happen until I return home to the loving and welcoming arms of my family. Moreso, that it will not happen until the Eagle takes flight once more. Where ever his wings might steal him.


Sandcatt said...

We're still here - life is busy as usual and always changing.

My only piece of advice (take it or leave it - doesn't matter), is that you should SERIOUSLY think about just being single for awhile. I don't say that to be mean, I honestly think you should.

Tiger said...

Yup, Im still out here as well. So you are inbound to CO again huh? Face it, you are following me arnt ya? So there is a coffee or two we have to catch up on...if ya want to that is. Talk to ya later sis.

Erotic_bloodlu said...

I'm still out here as well sis and i miss you loads and we're expecting you back with open arms....
-nods- I agree with Eric on the stayin single for awhile you and becca really just need you and her time untill your back home and in a better place (as said take it or leave it its just what I think anywayz)