Well - while I had my daughter fifteen days ago, I have unfortunately had some complications. I thought I was all done with the pain and what not. However my body has different plans. So - depending on my Doctors say so tomorrow I might have to have a DNC. I hear it's nothing huge and that I will make it no problem. However it is still considered a surgery and because such comes with all the risks surgery involves. I admit I'm a little hesitant and scared. But if I don't have the DNC I could get a blood clot and that could cause death. So - I suppose I'll bite the bullet and have a DNC if I absolutely have to. But, I'm still scared.
Moving on - If I have to have the DNC my mother might let my sister stay an extra week. Of course that means changing her bus ticket and making sure all is taken care of. We'll see tomorrow of course. Her tattoo ( which shocked me that she got one ) is healing rather well. Though due to the lotion she was using, and the itching that she felt during sleep it will need a touch up. Nothing too bad mind you. It's a beautiful tattoo. But I'm bias considering roses are my favorite flower.
My cousin Matthew is in Colorado currently visiting the family. Part of me certainly wishes I was there as well. However, since I'm not - I can only hope they are thinking fondly of me and that everyone is having fun.
The Princess Pea is doing great. She had a check up the other day and already she's up to 9 pounds and 1 ounce. She's only fifteen days old and already has gained two pounds. A weight gain they don't typically expect in babies until they are two weeks old. My child however has proven that she's VERY healthy and means to put on the weight to support such a life. I'm happy for it. The unfortunate thing is we're going through formula like crazy. Because a bottle every two hours ( at four ounces each ) isn't enough. I may have to bump her up to six ounces just to make her happy. Or, I might have to do what my Grandmother did for my Uncle and add some rice cereal to the mix. We'll see.
That's my minutes I suppose. Hope to be able to post good news soon about the out come of my DNC.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I'm surprised

I must admit I am shocked. Today - my half brother actually showed up. He's tried to make it out here a couple times prior. The first time He didn't make it. Claiming that he ran out of money for gas, and got lost. Of course I didn't hear that excuse until the Bug called him and chewed him out for not calling me and telling me since I waited around all day.
The second time He tried to come out He made it. However He came with His mother ( my step mother ) and she drove the whole way. That was on the ninth of June. The day Rebecca was actually due. Of course, they didn't stay too long. A few hours. But I honestly enjoyed their company. I was sorry that they came down and missed the "Big Event" however. I know they were hoping that she'd be born on my Fathers birthday.
Today however He made it down here. Not really alone however. He had a car full of His friends ( they had come from Toledo. A concert ) He didn't stay more than two hours ( bummer ) but I did get pictures of Him holding His niece. So at least there is that. And, as witnessed in the picture to the left - He brought something for Rebecca. Apparently His Grandmother ( on his mothers side ) made Rebecca a baby blanket. It's beautiful and far better than anything I've tried to make.
He picked on the Bug a bit. Always with the utmost supervision. ( they can't be trusted alone you see. What with the weird mutual crush they appear to have on each other ) We played hacky sack..and then He left. It wasn't anything special but it was nice of Him to at least stop by.
In other news - My little Pea is doing fine. Packing on the weight and seeming to enjoy the whole 'baby life' thing she's got going. She only has one hour a day where she's crying and nothing seems to make her happy. Usually at three to four am. Otherwise, I would say I lucked out and got a very happy and mellow baby. Of course, things are prone to change as she develops and gets older, but for now I'm happy to have a baby who is so mellow.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Princess Pea
Yet another day of being Mommy. Not that that's going to change anytime soon. I still marvel at the life I brought into this crazy world. How wonderfully perfect she seems to me. Already I find myself fiercely protective. But I suppose that's something that comes with giving birth. The basic need to protect and guide.
Had a nice conversation with my mother online last night. Nothing too deep mind you, but the topics covered were definately nice and truthfully it was nice to be able to talk to her about things. Even the mundane things that were going through my mind.
My sister is still here ( will be til the 30th ) and while I worry still that she is bored with being here...I try very hard to at least entertain her somewhat. Mainly she's been playing on the computers when she isn't needed for some help, chore or what have you. And, she's been doing me the favor of doing my hair so it's not on my neck ( which keeps me cool during the heat of the day ). I know I will cry when I send her off on the bus. And, I know that I will miss her desperately until I can see her again ( Christmas ) but at least I got to see her.
My brother claims He is coming out to meet His niece. However, I don't see it happening. Last time He tried to come out on his own He got lost. So the second attempt He made ( while I was still pregnant ) He had to bring His mother and let her drive out here. Which all in all wasn't bad. My step mother isn't a bad woman. And, she does make beautiful jewelry as a hobby.
Well, that's the news on my end. Though I must admit I suddenly feel like I'm babbling to the silent masses. Perhaps I am. HA!
Had a nice conversation with my mother online last night. Nothing too deep mind you, but the topics covered were definately nice and truthfully it was nice to be able to talk to her about things. Even the mundane things that were going through my mind.
My sister is still here ( will be til the 30th ) and while I worry still that she is bored with being here...I try very hard to at least entertain her somewhat. Mainly she's been playing on the computers when she isn't needed for some help, chore or what have you. And, she's been doing me the favor of doing my hair so it's not on my neck ( which keeps me cool during the heat of the day ). I know I will cry when I send her off on the bus. And, I know that I will miss her desperately until I can see her again ( Christmas ) but at least I got to see her.
My brother claims He is coming out to meet His niece. However, I don't see it happening. Last time He tried to come out on his own He got lost. So the second attempt He made ( while I was still pregnant ) He had to bring His mother and let her drive out here. Which all in all wasn't bad. My step mother isn't a bad woman. And, she does make beautiful jewelry as a hobby.
Well, that's the news on my end. Though I must admit I suddenly feel like I'm babbling to the silent masses. Perhaps I am. HA!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Who knew?
Who knew Motherhood would be so great. Even when she's fussing I find myself completely thrilled at the presense of my daughter. I never knew there could be a love so strong, so wonderful. Yet - there it is. Staring me in the face.
Today has been a particularly mellow day. Lots of rest and recoup. Lots of feedings and diapers. But otherwise uneventful.
My sister has been a wonderful help. I'm fortunate that my Grandparents sent her out here to help me. She takes care of alot of the small tasks so that I might have more time taking care of and bonding with my daughter. Bless her heart.
That's the minutes I suppose.
Today has been a particularly mellow day. Lots of rest and recoup. Lots of feedings and diapers. But otherwise uneventful.
My sister has been a wonderful help. I'm fortunate that my Grandparents sent her out here to help me. She takes care of alot of the small tasks so that I might have more time taking care of and bonding with my daughter. Bless her heart.
That's the minutes I suppose.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Sweet Dreams

It's another day of being 'Mommy'. Day seven to be exact. One whole week. Kinda scary how time flies when you are having fun huh?
Anyway - not much news here.
Rebecca had a Doctors appointment and it went well. Considering when she was born she was 7 lbs, 11 and a half ounces. When we left the hospital she had dropped to 7 lbs, 5 ounces. In less than a week ( her Doctors appointment was yesterday ) she had gained weight and was weighing in at 7 lbs, 14 ounces and had grown from 19 inches to 20 and a half inches. The Doctor is very impressed with her progress. Considering they usually don't see any kind of weight gain for the first 14 days of life. Typically it's weight loss. So, I must be doing something right. We also named her Godparents. My best friend Frankie and her husband Matt..and my Uncle Jason. We figure that keeps her covered as far as that goes.
The Bug has been a huge help with everything. Helping me around the house with minor tasks like laundry, sweeping and taking out the trash. Bless her heart for being so helpful. I know she wants to help with the baby more - but being a new mom I am monopolising ( sp? ) my time with my baby. However, in all other things she's been wonderful help. I'm glad my family sent her out to be with me. Though I do worry she's bored. Even though I warned her small town life isn't that fast paced or hectic. I hope when she does return to Colorado she doesn't look at her 'vacation' as a regret. We'll see though.
Even the Husband has come around and been more helpful than usual. He spoils his daughter and makes sure she and I have everything we need. He provides, and I am thankful that He's ( thus far ) started becoming a wonderful Daddy.
I suppose that's the minutes. As I said, nothing much going on. It's life as usual in Hicksville and I like it that way.
Many smiles and joys upon you!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
I'm in Awe

Everytime I hold her - everytime I look at her - everytime I feed her I can only think " I did this ". I never thought love could be something so strong as it is right now. The love a Mother has ( or should have ) for her child is amazing. Moreso than I could have ever expected.
Holding her tiny hand in mine, looking down into those smoky blue eyes, even listening to her cry for food, attention or a changing makes my heart soar.
I already have so many hopes for the Princess Pea. Mainly that she grows up enjoying her childhood. Enjoying life. That she learns all she can. That she is happy with whatever choices she makes, and that even when she thinks she hates me ( and she will ) she knows I love her.
Already I coddle her, cuddle her, spoil her. Already I find myself keenly protective and doating. It's only been six days. I know in the hospital the first night I was up until 2 am. When I fell asleep they came ( the nurses ) and took her from my room. I woke up at 4 am and freaked out. 'Where's my baby!!'. They brought her to me immediately.
Did my affection, adoration and love for her begin the second I gave birth? Or had it started long before that? I can't say for sure. I only know that she is the most important thing in the world to me and that no matter what ( good or bad ) I shall love her til my last breath.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Welcome to Ohio, Bug
It's official, the Bug is in Ohio. She made it safely ( despite my worries ) and despite whatever anyone thought we ( my friend Frankie and I ) picked her up in Chicago. Why? Well - her being so well endowed and young, neither I or my friend could see her waiting around Chicago safely at night. So we drove there ( it's only 3 hours from me ) and picked her up there instead. My Grandmother appears to understand why it was done. My mother however is a little upset about it. I just tried to do for the Bug what I felt was best. Safety first. HAHA!
Anyway - time to feed the Princess Pea.
Anyway - time to feed the Princess Pea.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
A new baby!
She has arrived!!
Her name is Rebecca Marie
Born June 13th, 2006
7 lbs 11 ounces
Red hair, blue eyes!
Yay me, I'm officially a Mommy!
Her name is Rebecca Marie
Born June 13th, 2006
7 lbs 11 ounces
Red hair, blue eyes!
Yay me, I'm officially a Mommy!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Tomorrow at 8 am ( that being the 13th folks ) I go to the hospital and they induce labor. Which means by tomorrow night ( if everything goes well ) I will be a Mommy! Watch out world. HA!
My kid sister leaves on the 16th and arrives the 17th so not only will I have a new baby, I'll get to see the Bug too.
Can life get any better?!!
My kid sister leaves on the 16th and arrives the 17th so not only will I have a new baby, I'll get to see the Bug too.
Can life get any better?!!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Well, I still haven't had the baby yet. Here and I thought I'd be done and over this whole pregnancy thing on the ninth. Here it is the 11th and still nothing. Except a large belly and a kid who feels like they are kick boxing my ribs. Ahh well.
On another note, my kid sister is supposed to be coming out on the 16th of this month. She won't arrive til the 17th, but it will certainly be nice to see her. I know she's excited about it. I'm glad my Grandparents were willing to send her out to see me. After all, they are the one's footing the bill. Due to my mother not having the cash flow. A feeling I know a little too well being a 'home owner' and all. It's hard that first year.
Anyway, I suppose that's the minutes. Nothing else new to report.
On another note, my kid sister is supposed to be coming out on the 16th of this month. She won't arrive til the 17th, but it will certainly be nice to see her. I know she's excited about it. I'm glad my Grandparents were willing to send her out to see me. After all, they are the one's footing the bill. Due to my mother not having the cash flow. A feeling I know a little too well being a 'home owner' and all. It's hard that first year.
Anyway, I suppose that's the minutes. Nothing else new to report.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Not the Ninth
So yesterday was my 'due date' and hate to inform you all but I am still pregnant. Apparently the baby didn't want to show up when the Doctors thought she would. Not that I'm surprised. I thought the date was off anyway for one, and for two, first pregnancies usually carry longer than any suspects from the beginning.
However, yesterday was a nice day. Had a nice BBQ and my brother ( Erinn ) and my Step Mother ( Caroline ) came down from Detroit and spent some time with me. I was definately thrilled to see them both. Poor Erinn was lacking on sleep which was mostly his fault from burning the candle at both ends, but He was happy to see me I'm sure. At least, I hope so. HA!
Other than that - can't say much is going on. My ankle is finally out of it's wrap and splint and I'm getting around just fine. Yippee.
However, yesterday was a nice day. Had a nice BBQ and my brother ( Erinn ) and my Step Mother ( Caroline ) came down from Detroit and spent some time with me. I was definately thrilled to see them both. Poor Erinn was lacking on sleep which was mostly his fault from burning the candle at both ends, but He was happy to see me I'm sure. At least, I hope so. HA!
Other than that - can't say much is going on. My ankle is finally out of it's wrap and splint and I'm getting around just fine. Yippee.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Hehe, Ooops

Well, despite my efforts to avoid such - I managed to hurt myself again. Damnit. This time I once again twisted my ankle. The one I've already fractured twice. So, once again I find myself in a walking cast. On Doctors orders to keep my foot up, use ice, and if needed tylenol. Fortunately it's just a sprain. A bad one, but only that. It's quite suprising how quickly a limb swells when it's been wounded. I couldn't believe it. They nearly had to cut off my sandal. Which would have SUCKED.
So, sorry Tiger - I tried though. Really I did.
Oh - and meet Susie. ( The picture is of her ) My six month old Great Dane pup. Ain't she adorable?
Anyway, six days and counting til I'm 'due' to go into the hospital. That is if the baby wants to arrive on her 'due date'. We'll see.
Many joys and happiness to you all.
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