I must admit I am shocked. Today - my half brother actually showed up. He's tried to make it out here a couple times prior. The first time He didn't make it. Claiming that he ran out of money for gas, and got lost. Of course I didn't hear that excuse until the Bug called him and chewed him out for not calling me and telling me since I waited around all day.
The second time He tried to come out He made it. However He came with His mother ( my step mother ) and she drove the whole way. That was on the ninth of June. The day Rebecca was actually due. Of course, they didn't stay too long. A few hours. But I honestly enjoyed their company. I was sorry that they came down and missed the "Big Event" however. I know they were hoping that she'd be born on my Fathers birthday.
Today however He made it down here. Not really alone however. He had a car full of His friends ( they had come from Toledo. A concert ) He didn't stay more than two hours ( bummer ) but I did get pictures of Him holding His niece. So at least there is that. And, as witnessed in the picture to the left - He brought something for Rebecca. Apparently His Grandmother ( on his mothers side ) made Rebecca a baby blanket. It's beautiful and far better than anything I've tried to make.
He picked on the Bug a bit. Always with the utmost supervision. ( they can't be trusted alone you see. What with the weird mutual crush they appear to have on each other ) We played hacky sack..and then He left. It wasn't anything special but it was nice of Him to at least stop by.
In other news - My little Pea is doing fine. Packing on the weight and seeming to enjoy the whole 'baby life' thing she's got going. She only has one hour a day where she's crying and nothing seems to make her happy. Usually at three to four am. Otherwise, I would say I lucked out and got a very happy and mellow baby. Of course, things are prone to change as she develops and gets older, but for now I'm happy to have a baby who is so mellow.
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