Well, despite my efforts to avoid such - I managed to hurt myself again. Damnit. This time I once again twisted my ankle. The one I've already fractured twice. So, once again I find myself in a walking cast. On Doctors orders to keep my foot up, use ice, and if needed tylenol. Fortunately it's just a sprain. A bad one, but only that. It's quite suprising how quickly a limb swells when it's been wounded. I couldn't believe it. They nearly had to cut off my sandal. Which would have SUCKED.
So, sorry Tiger - I tried though. Really I did.
Oh - and meet Susie. ( The picture is of her ) My six month old Great Dane pup. Ain't she adorable?
Anyway, six days and counting til I'm 'due' to go into the hospital. That is if the baby wants to arrive on her 'due date'. We'll see.
Many joys and happiness to you all.
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