The things that sparkle in my minds eye are but a figment. A concept not yet born into creation and yet swimming there to be plucked at whim should I desire to do so. Today I spoke with my Aunt Julie. Funny thing is, she and my uncle have been divorced for years. Yet, my Aunt Julie she will always remain. There are some things that cannot be changed even when marriage does. There will always be people - past and present - who affect your life. For good or for worse. I have so many memories of my Aunt Julie. All of them good. I cannot remember a time in my life that I haven't thought of her or spoken of her to someone. She is a wonderful woman and the mother of my cousin Matthew. It sounds as though I might get to see Matthew not this weekend, but next weekend. That would be most enjoyable. When I was younger, family seemed like such a fickle thing. It seemed that they would never leave me alone and were always telling me what was best in their opinion. Now that I am older, I thank God for giving me my family. Shattered and broken as it may be, it is mine and I adore each of my family members for my own reason. Each are beloved by me, for this and that, but one things remains true. They are my family - and they Sparkle.
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