Once more I am woken up at early AM by a feline (in heat) because she won't stop yowling at the top of her lungs. Kurai ( Cry-ee ) is driving me insane! I plan on getting her fixed and declawed in the next few months, and find myself wondering if Vets do take vocal cords too. Due to her yowling all the time, my sleep has been interrupted for a week now. Every few hours she wakes me up by screaming. Damn Cat. Hopefully she'll shut up soon and I can get a few hours uninterrupted sleep. At least, I'm hoping. I think I'm coming down with a cold too. My brain feels kind of fuzzy. Course, that might just be the total lack of true sleep I experiance. Enjoyed my bowl of frosted flakes while watching the sun rise. An experiance I wish I didn't have to say I saw. I'm more of a night person you see. Lack of sun, the silence. I enjoy it. Besides, the heat of the day doesn't do my Irish complexion any justice. Just ask anyone who's seen me toasty fried thanks to that big glowing ball of rays. Today...Steam cleaning the only carpet in my home. Which oddly enough is in my kitchen. How bizzare is that? Ahh well, life spins on.
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