While I highly doubt anyone who actually 'saw' me still remains in Yuma..-ahem- I must say you guys just won't allow me my delusions will you? Just one?! A girl's gotta have some kind of fantasy world and you guys are really causing me issues on having one of my very own. Of course, keeping with the wonderful tradition of who's innocent and who isn't...I know you guys very well and know that neither of you can claim what I tried to claim either. So I guess that makes me a little happier in my delusional mind. At least for the time being. Guess I'll have to come up with something else that you guys might actually let me hold onto. Like, me being good in bed, or yes I am a natural red-head. Really...I need something here.
i guess its better to say no comment on this one, yes your a redhead and I'm a sexy blonde -smiles- yes I really am blonde now
I'll keep it simple by saying a big yes to the second to last sentence. That's all your getting out of me.
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