Untitled -
So do I dream of his touches, live for kisses from cupids bow. The scent of him maddens me - and yet I sit apart from him - drowning in faith, love, devotion. A Venus in her shell, undiscovered.
So do I dream of him - my angel of darkness.
Eternal kisses mine to claim. This is my heartsongto him - muted- uncontrollable, undeniable. To him I plead, take me, break me. I am yours.
Will he hear me? My heartsong of truth, or will he walk brazenly by - deaf to my pleas, my cries, or will he sweep me into strong arms and love me faithfully. Whispering that he's mine eternally?
Bliss on Wings
I wish - often enough my heart aches - dripping with blood of promises broken. Angel's wings limp, without effort to fly. Tears streak down milky cheeks - staining flesh crimson.
Child of the night - unkissed by sunlights charms.
I wish - for the coming of him. My other half, my soul mate.
I can taste him - salty flesh begging for unyielding kisses. Tongue tip dances - circling taut buds of dusky hue, and yet I'm restless. Seeking new ways to make him quiver - succumb to me my love.
I wish - for the coming of him - the day when wings rise upward.
And those are my thoughts for the day. True as they are, and have been since the many years ago I wrote them for Him. Most who know me, know who He is...and those that do not need not know the depth of my heart past these two poems. They are, my Heartsong. My joy and grief. They have been with me since the beginning and shall be with me until the end. Perhaps that is why I am currently working with a publisher huh? Tell me what you guys think - if you've any opinions that is.
1 comment:
Working with a publisher? That's great. Good luck and I hope you get to publish your writings.
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