As always, spinning around and around. Making one wonder when the ride will come to a stop yet praying that it lasts just a while longer because you are having so much fun! It was another beautiful day here in Hicksville. Sun was shining, birds were singing, squirrels were attacking my acorn tree. Fortunately, being Sunday, most people were gone away to church. A thing I still haven't accepted as the norm. Probably because I haven't actively gone to church since I was like eight. I keep meaning to explore the churches around here, for indeed there are some old buildings and no doubt older thoughts. However, each time I think that I will go and do it, I fail to do so. Go figure. Instead, I spent the day cleaning the house. Amazing how dirty it gets over the course of a week. Amazing how much laundry piles up and how many dishes there are to do. Not to mention running the dog out and making sure all the animals have exactly what they need to survive another day. My routine hasn't changed much since I moved into this house. I get up, have a nice drink of tea or apple juice, maybe even water if the mood strikes me. Then I wander around and water the plants. Though that doesn't take long, since I didn't get to move all of my plants from Colorado. Then I turn around and feed and water the cats and dog. They enjoy this time and already ( since I get up around 9:30 or so ) they are wanting their food. Not to mention each of my animals is on a special diet. The dog only gets 2 cups of food. She's overweight and if I don't do that for her, she might not be able to walk in another year. Though she's already 75% deaf. Then there is Nemisis - He can't have any dairy. Go figure, I get the one feline out of a petstore that can't have any dairy. He's allergic. Raised on soy. Freak that he is. Then there is Mozart. My albino siamese who is deaf ( completely ) and partially blind. Not to mention he lacks depth perception. ( weirdo ) and since He's an old cat, He gets moist food. His teeth can't seem to chew the hard stuff. Then there is Kurai ( my husbands ) who doesn't like anything that isn't sea food flavored. Won't eat it unless it tastes like tuna or some sea faring creature. ( Maybe she was a lesbian at one point in time? ) So, there you have it. Rambling from the Carnalopey. About absolutely nothing. But it is part of my life. So deal with it. HA!
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