Sunday, March 12, 2006


It occurs to me, that people come to me for advice. Perhaps they figure I am the fountain of knowledge. Or perhaps it's that they know I might say something completely off the wall on the subject at hand. Or maybe, they realize the life I have lead, the hardships I've had to endure and triumph over, and figure I am the best on for the job. Whatever the reason, I find myself wondering if the advice I give is heartfelt and honest. If indeed, were I stuck in that situation, if I would take the advice I am giving out. I would say 7 out of 10 times I would indeed take that advice, were it to be given. Though most times, I am in all honesty, too stubborn to ask for such advice. Though I thank those of you who've given it so freely in a hope to help me out with some problem or another. Now, I ask you this - is it wise to give out advice, knowing it probably won't be taken. Or, should I simply remove myself and no longer give out that advice even though it is sought after. I am, in truth, at an empass. I am truly not sure where to go with this.

1 comment:

Sandcatt said...

Give out the advice if it's asked for, but just keep in mind one thing - at the end of the day we're all responsible for our own actions. Whether they take the advice or not is inconsequential. The only thing that's important is that you tried to help when asked.