Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dust and Boxes!

Another day spent in the boxes. Going through and deciding for a final time what goes, and what stays. Slowly and surely I am compacting down what I originally thought I would take to even less. Not that I am surprised. After all, most of it can be replaced. Most of it is nothing but trivial items with little to no meaning. Now mind you, there are a few trivial items that I absolutely refuse to let go of. However, most of it is not going to be making the trip to Colorado with the Princess Pea and myself.

Got an e-mail from the elusive Tiger today. I have to admit I was overjoyed by it. Why? Because it is so rare that He and I get to talk anymore. So rare that we get the moment of time to stop and see how things are going.

Then, another wonderful surprise! I got to talk briefly with the Moose! He's married now. To the girl I know He's been with for a few years. I'm so happy for Him. It's about time He settled down. Though I know in the Moose's case, settling doesn't always mean slowing.

Still wrapped into the book the Eagle sent me. I have to admit, the further along I get. The more my brain hurts. I may have blown through a few chapters the first day. But I think I shall have to slow it down from now on. Just so I don't wind up having some sort of melt down.

That's the minutes! Back to dust and boxes!

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