Lets think about this - I mean truly think about this. What IS holding the universe up? Can we, as imperfect beings. As beings living in a dream that we ourselves created, say what makes sure the whole Universe doesn't fall down and go boom? Can we, as people who have detatched ourselves from the truth of it all, willingly, say why it all keeps spinning? Out of fear we lie to ourselves, instead of taking the truth into account. Instead of realizing that things are truly simple. We make them complicated. We make them surreal. As imperfect beings we consistantly try to prove the next 'big' thing. We try to make our logic stick onto everyone who passes by. But really, what is logic? Save a simple way of explaining things we do not understand? The mind boggles my friends - and it is all Eagle's doing. Perhaps tonight we shall have another conversation that has me up in the early AM contemplating the very meaning, the very nature of life. Or perhaps, it will all be undone. The great and mighty riddle made truth for all to see.
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