I find myself worrying more and more about my little sister. Why? Because she's growing up in the same house that I did. I worry for her mental sanity, for truthfully I had to go to a shrink many times to simply 'cope' with the way things were for me growing up. Now, admittedly my sister has something I grew up without. An actual Father, but that doesn't make her life any different from my own. Every now and then I wonder why my Mother went ahead and had kids. I'm not sure that she wanted to be a Mother, I just think it happened. I think she played cards with the hand she was dealt and managed it. Did I grow up without rules? Heavens no. Did I lack chores? No, sometimes I took care of the whole house. Laundry, Cooking, and taking care of my little sister. I think I grew up much faster then I needed to by a long shot. Be it because of my Mother, or because of things that happened to me. There are things I will never forgive her for, but unlike my sister I had a support system. Most of my Mother's friends rescued me from her house numerous times. I'm not sure if that happens for my sister. Perhaps it does and I am unaware. For her sake, I hope it does. I hope she's shown that life is better then she thinks it to be. I know the age she's at is a hard one. Hormones. Troubles. Mental anguish. The whole Teen Angst thing. I remember it well, yet due to life I had to place most of that aside for later years and be 'grown up'. My choice, or hers? It hardly matters anymore. What matters is that my kid sister is ok. That people are helping her 'get out' and 'get away' as often as possible. I know that helped me. More then I can ever express to those that saved me from such things. Bless them. And if there are those doing so for my sister - Bless them too. Without them, I have no doubt we would have turned out much, much worse.
I do what I can because you're mother is crazy.
My bro's the only one who helps get me out. and mom and tad took me to the bar cause there I thing we go to every 2nd Tue. of the month... TEEN ANGST? please I've past that stage. and yes I do everything you use to do -the taking care of little sister part. AHH, ur still gonna let me move out there right? (hope you got my letters, I think Tad sent them out) Love ypu
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