Friday, January 16, 2009


Ok, so I'm still posting on my other blog, but what they howdy ho, I figured why not write here too. More then one medium to kick a dead horse to death right? I haven't posted on this blog in...well, forever. Things have spun away and out of my control.

Last I wrote, my grandfather had passed on and life was generally sucky. I've moved on since my Grandfathers death, and while I still miss him and yearn for his tales and hugs, I no longer sob my heart out thinking of him.

Econmy woes have everyone down in the dumps. It's happening everywhere and no one can do anything to stop it.

Right now, My g-ma is in Florida and I am watching her dog. Cute little bugger he is, if not slightly annoying.

The Princess Pea is still doing great. As is the Rabbit, Otter, and other people I associate with. I don't do much RP online anymore. When I do, it's mostly through emails, if I'm lucky.

I play Guild Wars. I play Perfect World. If your interested, you know how to contact me.

Guess that's it for now.
