Saturday, December 23, 2006


Here I am in Colorado. Thank the heavens above for such wonders! Needless to say, I got here, and only found out afterward everything that's been going on. Go figure. HAHA. And then, to top it off - this last Wends...there was a HUGE blizzard. Pretty close to the blizzard of 03. Kinda scary.

Then, lets add something to that - The Eagle is worried I will find someone else before He gets out here. Now, I know I have a fickle nature, however....He's all I've thought about since He and I split many years ago. Sure, my life went on, but my mind still stuck on him. Why is this? Obsession? Love? Who knows. All I know, I will wait around for him. Wait for him to be able to get out here. I understand how the lack of fundage goes, and I am not about to throw a fit simply because He's not here. Even if I would love for him to be. I hope the Eagle understands my faith and commitment to this whole thing. If He doesn't, I suppose one day He'll fully comprehend it all.

I hope to see you all soon. Take care and have a Merry Christmas!!!

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