Saturday, June 24, 2006

Princess Pea

Yet another day of being Mommy. Not that that's going to change anytime soon. I still marvel at the life I brought into this crazy world. How wonderfully perfect she seems to me. Already I find myself fiercely protective. But I suppose that's something that comes with giving birth. The basic need to protect and guide.

Had a nice conversation with my mother online last night. Nothing too deep mind you, but the topics covered were definately nice and truthfully it was nice to be able to talk to her about things. Even the mundane things that were going through my mind.

My sister is still here ( will be til the 30th ) and while I worry still that she is bored with being here...I try very hard to at least entertain her somewhat. Mainly she's been playing on the computers when she isn't needed for some help, chore or what have you. And, she's been doing me the favor of doing my hair so it's not on my neck ( which keeps me cool during the heat of the day ). I know I will cry when I send her off on the bus. And, I know that I will miss her desperately until I can see her again ( Christmas ) but at least I got to see her.

My brother claims He is coming out to meet His niece. However, I don't see it happening. Last time He tried to come out on his own He got lost. So the second attempt He made ( while I was still pregnant ) He had to bring His mother and let her drive out here. Which all in all wasn't bad. My step mother isn't a bad woman. And, she does make beautiful jewelry as a hobby.

Well, that's the news on my end. Though I must admit I suddenly feel like I'm babbling to the silent masses. Perhaps I am. HA!

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