Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Previous Choices

Yes, I dated Him. For a short time. What can I say, it was something about the Cuban lover thing that got the blood going. Needless to say, yes, I have better taste then that. After all, you are one of them right? I don't doubt that the choice made in having him live with them is based on friendship, it's just un-nerving. After all, I'm coming out for Christmas with my kid. And now, I cannot take that kid to my Mother's home. Why? Because I'm not comfortable being around someone I broke up with on less than friendly terms. Can anyone blame me there? Fortunately, like the Catt - I have seen the error of my ways and chosen someone more suitable for me. Instead of just dating who ever would date me. And, don't worry Tufts - I don't take offense to what you said. Trust me, I don't.

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