Friday, March 17, 2006


Yes, yes indeed my mother is crazy. But then, we all knew that. However, in effort to respond to my darling sisters commentary, I figured I would post again. HA! I still think bars are bad places for you to be. My opinion mind you, but that's ok. No, you aren't out of your teen angst phase. You are still dying your hair all sorts of different colors, you write sad poetry and you don't like listening to your parents. It's all part of Teen Angst. This doesn't make it a problem, it is simply part of life. As far as you living with John and myself. Yes, you still may. Just remember our deal. You live here, you either have a job, or are in college. That's the deal you struck months ago. No, I have yet to get any letters. It's like I write and write and write and no one cares to respond!! I hate that. It kind of makes me sad. Eventually though, I hope to see these infamous letters. I'd like that certainly. Many thanks to the Catt for taking care of the Bug. I'm surprised she's not squished yet, but you've always had a kind heart. Despite the fact you say you do it simply because my mother's crazy. Admit it, you like us. HAHA!!!

1 comment:

Erotic_bloodlu said...

umm, I'll ask tad if he sent them out yet...umm...and on the rest I have no comment