Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shoot me

Whatever happened to respecting your elders? Being polite in someone elses home or fearing the belt or switch when you got home? Are today's children that ill mannered? What ever happened to good old fashioned spankings? Or don't people believe in that anymore? I tell you, I would love to be able to look at these people and tell them if their children can't behave, they cannot be in my home. Unfortunately, the Husband seems to want them around. Therefore I suppose I have to put up with it with held tongue. It sucks. Because all I want to do is SCREAM!!!!

1 comment:

Sandcatt said...

I still say zero is the magic number, haha.

As for the rampant kids, tell their parents to keep them under control. Tell them you spend too much time making your house a home to have someone else come in and ruin it.