Sunday, March 26, 2006


After much cleaning and mental relaxation. I decided once more to post on this wonderous blog. That, and after reading my kid sisters I feel that I am right in worrying about her. Things never change, and that is for certain. No matter how much you think they did. No matter how many times you've stepped in and said anything - it doesn't change. Still life goes on how they think it does. Still they push and pull until you are at breaking point. I only hope that the Bug is strong enough to live through this..mentally as well as physically. It makes me wonder how they can sit there and wonder why they lost a great deal of their friends. Why they can no longer keep in touch with those they claimed to once care about. Instead of looking at themselves, they think everyone else is at fault. They believe, truly, that they haven't done anything wrong. Yet, those of us who know them..know better. I strive to try and not worry so much about the Bug. Alas, I know I do. It's a sister thing I suppose. Or, it could be that I took care of her for so many years. I just don't know which it is. Nevertheless, I hope one day they wake up and realize it is due to their own actions that they sit alone and contemplate life. That they have none whom they can count on. All because they spent their younger years stepping all over those who once cared.

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